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Máster en Matemática Industrial



Our faculty members are renowned professionals with extensive experience in the field of modelling and numerical simulation.

Guests will include specialists in their scientific and/or technical field.

University of Santiago de Compostela

Department of Applied Mathematics and others

University of A Coruña

Department of Mathematics and others

Universidad de Vigo

Department of Applied Mathematics and others

Carlos III University of Madrid

Gregorio Millán Insitute and others

Technical Univeristy of Madrid

Department of Applied Mathematics and others

Other Universities and Research Centres

  • Vicente Cutanda Henríque Associate Professor
    (University of Southern Denmark, Dinamarca)
  • Francisco Javier Fernández Fernández Assistant Professor
    (C.U Defensa. Escuela Naval de Marín)
  • Carlos Fernández Sánchez System Administrator
  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela Directeur de Recherche
    (INRIA, Rocquencourt, Francia)
  • Mª de las Mercedes Fernández Veiga Risk and Control Rating
    (Banco Santander)
  • Carlos Moreno González Professor
  • María Rodríguez Nogueiras (Banco Santander)
  • Virginia Selgas Buznego Assistant Professor
    (Universidad de Oviedo)